Dr. Marc Kayem is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist, Cosmetic and Facial Plastic Surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills, California and a visiting Cosmetic Surgeon at Pensum clinic in Cayman Islands. He received his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Ottawa and specialized in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery at the University of Montreal. He is Board Certified by the America Board of Otolaryngology and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada.
Pensum clinic in Cayman Islands, is very fortunate to have Dr. Kayem to be part of their team. He is known for his gentle and caring manner. Dr. Kayem has been practicing for nearly 30 years and the Team Physician for the NHL hockey team, Los Angeles Kings for many years. He offers state-of-the-art techniques and least invasive in both surgical and non-surgical (botox, facial filler and chemical facial peel) cosmetic procedures. His focus mainly on liposuction and facial plastic surgery which include eyelids, nose, ears, cheek and chin implants, liposuction, fat transfer, mole and scar removal. Dr. Kayem has more knowledge of, and experience with, the anatomy and physiology of the face than many other plastic surgeons.